A certification mark is intended to certify certain characteristics in a good or service. These characteristics are expressed in the specific regulations of use that are filed together with the trademark application or within two months of the application.

A certification mark can be filed in Italy as well as in the European Union. However, only the Italian national certification mark can be used to certify the geographical origin of goods and services.

The regulations governing use of the certification mark shall contain:

  • a statement by the applicants that they are not engaged in any activity involving the supply of products or services of the certified type;
  • the characteristics of the goods or services to be certified;
  • the conditions of use of the certification mark;
  • the verification and watching procedures applied by the holder of the certification mark

The applicants for the certification mark cannot manage any activity involving the supply of goods and services covered by the certified mark, although they may be a natural or legal person, an institution or a body governed by public law, they must maintain the obligation of neutrality.